Courtlook Overview:
A Courtlook subscription lets attorneys and their staff access info compiled from every case on which an attorney is listed by the court. This enables useful features such as:
- 24/7 case file access in courts which offer Documents to the attorney of record (attorney accounts only)
- Calendar feeds to automatically sync all hearings on one or more attorney schedules right into Outlook and other calendar tools.
The service also lets you:
- NEW! Subscribe to receive automatic e-mails whenever the case is updated by the court, at no additional cost, using our Case Watch service. Just click
on the Case Information page.
- Search across 80+ Illinois courts with one name or case search.
Visit to learn how Courtlook can help attorneys, admin staff and judges, then sign up for a live online demo webinar if you want to know even more.
Courtlook Screenshot:

- Access to each court's data is FREE as a public service from each court's website. See Courts.
- Subscribe to access all participating courts' data from a single website.
The following forms of payment are accepted: